Nidar Favoritter

Director: Martin Engh
Producer: Jakob thommessen

Client: Nidar

Agency: TRY
Copy: Sigurd Solberg
AD: Einar Fjøsne
Consultant: Monika Augustsson
Project manager: Kristin Berge Jahr

DOP: Matt Day
Animator: Kevin Walton
Camera assistant: Tom Piercy
Gaffer: Aldo Camillieri
Art Department: Gee Staughton

CG: Storm Studios
Post: Shortcut


Director Martin Engh welcomes us to the Nidar candy factory in this colourful spot. The factory was built and animated in Clapham Road studios in London, the candy was made digitaly and comped in by Storm studios here in Oslo.

Winner ‘best animated spot’ Gullbranson Awards.
